WEBINAR – Sustainability 24 2014: Driving Competitiveness through Sustainability

Veranstalter: Accenture

Sustainability 24 2014: Driving Competitiveness through Sustainability
A Live Broadcast from Accenture

Sustainability 24 is a day where Accenture advances the business sustainability debate amongst business and government leaders, civil society and other stakeholders across the globe. This year’s focus will be on “Driving Competitiveness through Sustainability”.

Sustainability 24 is a unique virtual conversation connecting thousands of people, via a 12-hour online broadcast, featuring industry and theme-focused debates. Each session incorporates live audience participation through interactive question and answer sessions.

Our 2014 agenda will build on last years‘ success with a broader range of session themes—enabling us to bring in more perspectives —running at key locations across the globe, more studio discussions to reflect and expand on key points from the sessions, and we’ll incorporate interviews with various luminaries to provide extra stimulation and debate.

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