Webinar ‚Responsible Purchasing Practices – an Effective Approach to meet Due Diligence Obligations‘

Public Preview (amfori.org)

The expectation for companies to conduct HREDD is increasingly becoming mandated by legislators across the globe. Examples of such legislation include the German Supply Chain Due Diligence Act, which took effect on January 1, 2023, and the EU’s Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive, which is presently under negotiation, with an expected conclusion by 2024. Responsible purchasing practices will be critical for in-scope companies and their suppliers to successfully implement human rights and environmental due diligence processes and ensure compliance with due diligence obligations and client expectations. Effective cooperation and partnership between purchasing companies and suppliers is crucial in order to protect the rights of workers in the supply chain. Purchasing practices describe all the principles and processes by which brands and retailers interact and do business with the manufacturers that supply their products. Responsible purchasing practices enable suppliers to plan their production and working hours effectively and pay workers fairly. At the same time, they enable suppliers to invest in the general improvement of working conditions. This strengthens resilience in the supply chain and helps buyers to meet their due diligence obligations.

This webinar will showcase the important role that responsible purchasing practices play in meeting due diligence obligations. Participants will learn:

·        What does the German Supply Chain Due Diligence Act expect from companies when it comes to responsible purchasing practices?

·        What tools and frameworks exist to help businesses in implementing responsible purchasing practices?

·        How do companies implement responsible purchasing practices?


Co-hosted by amfori and the German Partnership for Sustainable Textiles and supported by the German Governments’ Helpdesk on Business and Human Rights, this webinar is the seventh of a series on the obligations under the German Supply Chain Act and practical tools that can support companies in meeting their due diligence obligations.

Please consult the detailed agenda and register before 11 March 2024: AGENDA. „


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