14195 Berlin
SustEcon Conference – The contribution of a sustainable economy to achieving the SDGs
25 September 2017 to 26 September 2017
Background information
On the 25th and 26th of September 2017, an international conference organised by NaWiKo, titled „SustEcon Conference – The contribution of a sustainable economy to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals,” will take place at the Freie Universität in Berlin, Germany.
The focus of the conference will be on the contribution of the sustainable economy to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). This contribution can be observed on a number of different levels: Innovations toward achieving the SDGs are to be as much a topic at the conference as methodological questions about measuring sustainability. In addition to that, the differences between various discourses and concepts and their respective contributions to the sustainable economy are also to feature prominently in the conference. A further topic of interest will be the (political) framework conditions and barriers to a sustainable economy as well as the contribution of science to the SDGs.
Call for papers
The call for papers can be found here.
Submission of abstracts
The submission of abstracts is available from 15 March 2017 until 02 May 2017 at the ConfTool Website: https://www.conftool.net/sustecon-conference-2017/ (link is external)
You need to create an user account before you can access the ConfTool system. To do so, please click on “Register new“, and fill in the required fields with you personal data. The information will be also used for your registration to the conference at a later stage. Please remember your login data (user name and password).
Submission of session proposals
It is possible to submit proposals for paper sessions at the SustEcon conference (see call for papers). If you want to submit a session proposal, please send the proposal including the title of the session, a short description of the content and the papers, which will be presented in the session, to sustecon@ecologic.eu (link sends e-mail). Please note that in addition to sending us a session proposal, all papers for that session have to be submitted via ConfTool as well, and will also have to pass the peer-review-process (for more information see section on submission of abstracts).
Registration for the conference
Registrations for the conference are available from 05 June 2017 and can be made on the ConfTool website (link is external).
Address of the conference venue:
Freie Universität Berlin
Garystraße 35
14195 Berlin