Budapester Str. 2, 10787 Berlin
„Our Future Water Berlin Event invites all current leaders and future leaders to ensure water security for today’s and future generations.
The Our Future Water Berlin Event, moderated by Karin Helmstaedt, TV host and presenter on Germany’s international broadcaster Deutsche Welle, has an array of 18 confirmed interdisciplinary speakers from Europe and around the world addressing how we can achieve water security.
With extensive networking opportunities throughout the day, enhance your knowledge, make new contacts, and be part of the future of water management.“
Early Bird Tickets on sale now until August 31st, 2018: €350* + booking fees
Regular Tickets September 1st – September 22nd, 2018: €450** + booking fees
Last Day of Ticket Sales September 22nd, 2018: Hotel catering requirements
Our Future Water, Connect 4 Climate, Bundesministerium für wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit und Entwicklung