CSR-Europe- WEBINAR on embedding human rights.


Webinar on embedding human rights

Join CSR Europe’s webinar on embedding human rights, 10 July, 10:00 – 11:00 CET. Organised in the framework of CSR Europe’s project on Business and Human Rights, this webinar will offer insights into:

How human rights relate to the work of different departments – Purchasing, HR, Legal/ Risk management. What are the related risks and opportunities.
How to effectively communicate the relevance of human rights at an operational level and translate corporate policy statements into company operations across all business units.
Practical experience in embedding human rights within the company to make it part of business as usual.

Please confirm your participation by July 5 (Fri) to Elin Åström: ea@csreurope.org

Log-in details will be sent out on the day before the webinar.

For more information, please visit the webpage of CSR Europe’s project on Business and Human Rights or contact Mariya Stoyanova: ms@csreurope.org

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