wikipedia – Open Education Handbook Booksprint #2

22. November 2013 um 10:00 – 16:00
Obentrautstr. 72
10963 Berlin
Veranstalter: Wikimedia Deutschland

Open Education Handbook Booksprint #2
Open Knowledge Foundation on behalf of the LinkedUp project
Friday, November 22, 2013 from 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM (GMT)

Berlin, Germany
This is the second booksprint for the Open Education Handbook. It is being organised in collaboration with the LinkedUp Project and Wikimedia Deutschland.

Open Education Working GroupLinkedUpWikimedia
The initial structure of the handbook was decided in a one-day event held in London in September.

At this second booksprint attendees will brainstorm questions related to open education, consider copy already written and further flesh out ideas for particular areas/chapters. They will spot the gaps and take what we have up to the next level!

The handbook is one of the first activities of the new Open Education Working Group.

Lunch and refreshments will be provided.

Are you interested in being involved in this exciting event! Then sign up!

Audience: Approximately 15 – 20 people working/interested in the open education area. You do not need to have attended the previous event (in fact we don’t any of the same people) and do not need to know anything about booksprints!

Programme: Full programme to be added later.

Date: 10am – 4pm, Friday 22nd November 2013,

Location: This event will be held at the Wikimedia Deutschland Offices:

Wikimedia Deutschland e.V,
Obentrautstr. 72,
10963 Berlin

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