Webinar: The Net Is Tightening #2. Climate litigation increases. A material risk for companies?

28. Februar 2019 um 16:00 – 17:00


Webinar: The Net Is Tightening #2. Climate litigation increases. A material risk for companies?
Veranstaltungsreihe |

„Climate litigation has increased exponentially in the past decade, with claims against companies and governments reaching levels which should no longer only concern lawyers and defendants. Considering the grounds for such claims are challenging the economic and environmental grounds upon which our system is built upon, climate litigation is expected to exert considerable pressure for demanding more and better climate action. We will look into: – Climate litigation as a source of pressure for climate action. – Materiality of climate litigation for corporations. – The role of attribution science, for helping allocate specific damages. We will discuss the potentiality of climate litigation of becoming a corporate material risk. Find out how we do it, by joining our webinar. The webinar will be held by Hannah Helmke, Sebastian Müller and Marcela Scarpellini from right. based on science.“ #ReachClimateTargets

right. based on science


Kontakt: www.right-bsedonscience.de

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