WEBINAR – Kick-Start Your CSR Reporting Process

26. September 2013 um 20:00 – 21:00


Webfillings.com, a company specialized on business reporting offers on 26 September the “8 Steps to Kick-Start Your CSR Reporting Process” free webinar that will give you the resources to create your CSR report with confidence.

Learn what to include in your checklist, tips on how to improve your data quality, and how to set processes, road maps, and communicate with internal and external report contributors. The pressure’s on to make your CSR report a success—don’t make a mistake that will cost you.


Event: 8 Steps to Kick-Start Your CSR Reporting Process

Where: Online, webinar – webfilings.com

When: September 26, 2013; 2:00-3:00 p.m. EDT

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