Webinar – Business Coalitions Webinar with David Grayson


At both 9:00-10:00 and 16:00-17:00 GMT on 10 April, David Grayson, Director of the Doughty Centre for Corporate Responsibility will discuss the results of the GlobeScan survey published by the Doughty Centre as well as the wider message of his new co-authored book “Corporate Responsibility Coalitions: The Past Present and Future of alliances for sustainable capitalism.”

Grayson’s book, co-written with Jane Nelson, is the first to cover the growing phenomenon of business-led corporate responsibility coalitions and provides a fantastic insight into all aspects of the coalitions including their history and future prospects.

The event is open to CSR specialists from all sectors, who can register and get further information by sending an email to Aitzole Araneta at BITC. A flyer for the event is available here

No charge for BITC members and CSR360 GPN Partners. £100+VAT for non-partners, non-members

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