Veranstalter: BSD Consulting mit dem Global Compact
In September 2013, BSD Germany organized the sold-out conference ‘The Future of Sustainability Reporting’. The event covered a broad range of issues and trends that influence the future of non-financial reporting, e.g. the move to integrated reporting, the confusion of the current standards on non-financial reporting, the further internalization of external effects, the implications of planetary boundaries and social developments on corporate growth paradigms, as well as the growing trend of companies to deliver against ‘North Stars’ and commit to ‘net-positive’ targets
Reporting 3.0 will be continuing as a platform concept in 2014 through a set of minimally 3 Transition Labs and a two-day International Conference. The success of the 2013 conference will be continued with the intention to further deepen the discussion and align interested institutional, corporate and academic, as well as non-governmental and non-profit constituencies, around the most important issues that need more clarity and alignment.
The first Transition Lab on April 29 will be focusing on the gap closure around the so-called ‘Sustainability Context Gap’.