The Sustainable Side of Technology

15. Mai 2018 um 19:00 – 22:00
Prinzessinnenstraße 19-20, 10969 Berlin

The Sustainable Side of Technology

„We are living in a digital era in which technology is offering infinite possibilities. Technology is helping us to solve problems worldwide but it also sets up lots of challenges and problems. Moreover, digital transformation is converging with sustainability, being seen as a way to help to achieve the Agenda 2030. However, while technology and innovation can be key factors of progress, they can have undesired implications such as increase of inequality, exposure of personal privacy, consumerism etc. The digital revolution needs a new paradigm and we invite you to be part of that discussion.

Under the title “The sustainable side of technology”, we invite you to join us to discuss with a panel of experts about how digitalization can help on the path towards sustainability and the challenges that lie ahead.

The panel will be composed by:
– Erik Albers, free software advocate and defender of the commons at FSFE
– Elena Poughia, author and managing director of Dataconomy
– Prof. Dr. Tilman Santarius, author and digitalization researcher from IÖW & TU Berlin

There will be a quickpitch session after the presentations which gives you the opportunity to present your project/organisation/company/idea in 1 minute. Sign up to get your information on our website!“

Tickets here:

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