The Art of Authentic Collaboration: Bridge-Building At Its Best
“Fundamentally, this session is about transforming how we approach the art of collaborative relationship-building. During this time of the “Great Turning”, humanity is at a pivot point in needing to let go of unsustainable ways of working together. The ultimate lever is collaboration – an art, skill and science. Let’s shake things up by questioning how we relate, how we solve problems and how we make decisions. This interactive session introduces the distinctions between conventional collaboration and authentic collaboration. With this new framework, we’ll dive into the nuances of soft power – blending the creativity of the mind with the authenticity of our heart. This way of interacting values relationships, not just results. It’s about cultivating curiosity, power sharing, co-created vision, vulnerability, deep listening, radical honesty and belonging. When change-makers collaborate in this manner, inspired collective action and synergy emerges. Extraordinary outcomes, creativity, shared understanding and high impact all become possible in this container. Interwoven into the fabric of this conversation will be stories about multi-stakeholder partnerships and UN field experience. Participants will be invited to play with two exercises – one that involves self-discovery and one done with a partner. The intention will be to generate insights about the subtleties of collaboration, particularly when conflict arises. The overarching message is that addressing our complex societal challenges requires authentic connection, relationship intelligence and quality dialogue This is the path to shift out of us versus them to we’re all in this together.”

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