Sustainable Governance 2.0: Emerging Issues and Trends

14. November 2017 – 15. November 2017 ganztägig
Schloßpl. 1, 10178 Berlin

Sustainable Governance 2.0: Emerging Issues and Trends

The Sustainable Business Roundtable “Sustainable Governance 2.0: Emerging Issues and Trends” will focus on issues such as human rights, Sustainable Development Goals as well as new and emerging corporate governance trends.

The Sustainable Business Roundtable is a peer-to-peer learning network of 25 global companies working on advancing their sustainability agendas. The event is organized twice a year by the Center for Sustainable Business at ESMT Berlin to facilitate discussions and learning for companies.

The Roundtable in November focuses on issues such as human rights, Sustainable Development Goals, and current corporate governance trends. The 25 international members include Accenture, Aegon, Allianz, AXA, BASF, Coca-Cola European Partners, Covestro, Deutsche Bank, Deutsche Telekom, E.ON, Enel, Fragomen, Fraport, IBM, ING, KBC, LafargeHolcim, Lufthansa, McDonald’s, Osram, PricewaterhouseCoopers, Siemens, The Walt Disney Company, Unilever, and UniCredit.

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