10829 Berlin
Bike Tour / Transport Transition: Challenges, Chances and Solutions
Sustainability Drinks: Transport Transition @8:00 pm
Katja Täubert posses degrees in Technology and Ressources management and Urban and Regional Planning. She works for the Verkehrsclub Deutschland e.V. (VCD) in the field of pedestrian and cycling. The VCD is a lobby assocation for sustainable transport.
Lusie Kranich is a manager of the FZI (Research Centre for Information Technology) Branch Office Berlin. She also represents the thematic area „Digital Spaces“ on the board of the research campus Mobility2Grid.
More speakers to be announced:
Details about our speakers will be available at our event page soon.
17:30 Bike Tour
19:00 Open Doors & Networking
20:00 Presentations & Discussions
21:30 Quickpitches & Networking
22:00 End
GreenBuzz Berlin is opening the Open Source Circular Economy Days (OSCE) at the campus.
There will be a quickpitch session after the presentations which gives you the opportunity to present your project/organisation/company/idea in 1 minute. Make sure to register for yours on the event page.
Date: Thursday, 14th June 2018
Location: InnoZ Space, EUREF Campus, Euref Campus 1-25,10829 Berlin
All details: http://greenbuzzberlin.de/event/
Please REGISTER at eventbrite to attend