Sustainability Drinks Berlin – Fast Fashion: How can sustainable fashion keep up with trends?

13. Januar 2016 um 20:00 – 22:00
Prinzessinnenstraße 19-20, 10969 Berlin
Organisation: SustainabilityDrinks Berlin

Happy New Year!!
Thank you for making the last two years of Sustainability Drinks Berlin Events incredible! We hope you will continue to support our cause of making Berlin more sustainable. In 2016 we have many exciting events planned.

With that being said we would like to invite you to our very first event of the year: Fast Fashion: How can sustainable fashion keep up with trends.
“We buy in a rush and discard quickly,” yet we should be asking ourselves: Where has this been made? In what kind of conditions do the garment makers work and do they get paid enough? What is the impact of the production of our clothes on the environment?

Interested in having these questions answered and fashion trends? Well, join us at our next event on Sustainable Fashion.

The event will take place on Wednesday, 13th January 2016. Enjoy great inputs and discussions from experts in the field.

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