Pitch in 60 Seconds

15. Dezember 2015 um 19:00 – 21:00
Prinzessinnenstraße 19
10969 Berlin


Pitch in 60 Seconds

All right, so you have an awesome idea or concept that you want to pitch? Funk-e Animations know what that is like. And, lucky for you, they like to share their knowledge. That’s why they host this monthly workshop called Pitch-e.

During this free 3hr workshop you’ll learn how to write your own 60-second elevator pitch, how to simplify your story, structure it clearly and get to the core of why your idea or product rocks.

So, what’s your idea? Who would benefit from it? Who do you need to convince?
The workshop-program:

19.00 – 19.30: Doors open for everyone who wants to improve their story
19.30: Kick off with a presentation on storytelling, including a lot of tips & tricks
20.00: Time to start writing! We will be there to answer all questions you may have
21.00: When all stories are written it is time to pitch your story on the stage.

The pitches are recorded, and afterwards you’ll receive a link to your personal video so you can watch your pitch again. Or show off your awesomeness to all your family, friends or colleagues!

Join Pitch-e and turn your story around: Don’t confuse them, convince them.

There are 35 spots, so please be sure to only register if you really plan to join the event.

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