Neonyt Keynote „presented by Hessnatur“ CEO Andrea Sibylle Ebinger

12:00 — 12:15, 18. Januar ’21
Keynote „presented by Hessnatur“
CEO Andrea Sibylle Ebinger

“Neonyt is a strong platform and we are delighted that our partnership is still active during these digital times,” said Andrea Sibylle Ebinger, CEO of Hessnatur. Following a welcome from the Neonyt organisers, she will be appealing to the sustainability community in her keynote: “When it comes to our future, we don’t have any time to lose. Only together can we ensure that respecting nature and treating people with fairness are no longer the exception but the rule. With “Neonyt on Air”, we are keeping the dialogue going and driving forward our common objective for a better tomorrow.”

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