Rollbergstraße 26, 12053 Berlin
The one day course facilitated by Tatjana Mesar is designed to incorporate mindfulness practices into social entrepreneurship. By training the mind to be fully attentive, even in the midst of chaos, we have space to make more wise and conscious choices.
Through consciously paying attention to the present moment, social entrepreneurs can:
– Reduce the negative impact of stress
– Cultivate increased focus, authenticity, and intentionality
– Create the mental space needed for creative, compassionate problem-solving and solutions-building
-Improve communication and cooperation with others
Each session begins with a short introduction, followed by guided practice and Q&A. These can be applied individually or with the team, as frameworks for designing a social change solution with applied mindfulness. No previous meditation experience is needed.
Session 1: BODY
Paying attention from the inside out: your body as first foundation of mindfulness.
Session 2: BREATH
Facing the forces of distraction by anchoring your awareness on the breath.
Session 3: MIND
Stepping out of internal storylines, shifting viewpoint, guiding actions through clear intention.
Session 4: EMOTIONS
Loving-kindness meditation for leading and cooperation with emotional intelligence.
Meditation in motion and in interaction with others: getting the bigger picture.
Price: 80 Euros
Anmeldung erforderlich