LkSG & CSDDD: Transforming your Supply Chain

„In CHOICE Event #69 LkSG meets CSDDD, as the German Supply Chain is soon followed by its European version. Increasing reporting requirements are forcing companies and their purchasing and sustainability departments to re-think the impact of their supply chains on people and the environment.

New requirements are emerging for the transparency and sustainability of global supply chains – and with them new challenges.

Yvonne Jamal, founder and CEO of JARO Institut, supports companies in this challenge and shows in this webinar how companies can rethink purchasing and not only meet compliance requirements, but also create more sustainable supply chains in the long term.

Yasha Tarani, founder and CEO of The Climate Choice, shows how the challenge can be overcome with the help of digital tools and exchange between companies and their suppliers. He shares practical insights from the Scope 3 Action Group, in which 14 companies worked together to decarbonise their supply chains, adapt their risk management to new ESG requirements and include suppliers in their decarbonization strategy.“

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