Leibniz Conference on Sustainable Development Goals

14. September 2018 um 9:30 – 17:00
Chausseestraße 111, 10115 Berlin


„With the launch of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals in 2015, the world community has set the agenda for tackling the world’s most pressing challenges, including ending poverty and ensuring prosperity for the growing world population while respecting planetary boundaries. The research community contributes to the agenda by reflecting on the concept of sustainable development and by improving the evidence base of the complex processes and challenges to be addressed and playing a critical role in building the individual, organizational and institutional capacities globally for working towards SDG fulfillment. But how do researchers translate grand societal challenges into research agendas? What is the implication for the conduct of research in responsible science to acknowledge the complexity of problems and contributions to societal transformation? How do researchers cooperate across disciplines and how do they engage with civil society and policy sectors to co-create the knowledge required for transformative actions towards sustainable development? The particular objective is to present and discuss key findings from basic and application oriented research that are relevant for solutions towards specific SDGs and the nexus between them.

The conference addresses researchers and administrative heads, policy makers, further stakeholders (e.g. NGOs) and citizens and should serve as an opportunity for transdisciplinary exchange.“

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