
+++ members only +++ members only +++ members only +++

“In the morning of Tuesday, June 22nd 2021, Ecopreneur.eu will proudly host our first European Members’ Conference. 
Under the motto “Sustainable Champions to the Fore!”, we will bring together company members from our member associations in Germany (Bundesverband Nachhaltige Wirtschaft – BNW), Sweden (CirEko), Belgium (Ecopreneur Belgium), France (Entreprendre Vert), Austria (Grüne Wirtschaft), and the Netherlands (MVO Nederland) with high-ranking officials from the European Commission, the European Parliament, and other champions of the green economy.

Participants will have a unique opportunity to learn 1st hand about the European Green Deal, EU support programmes, and how advocacy at the EU level is facilitating your business.

Keynote speaker will be the European Commission’s Director General for the Environment, Florika Fink-Hooijer. Joining us for a panel discussion will be Sirpa Pietikainen MEP (Member of the European Parliament), Myriam Tryjefaczka(Director Sustainability and Public Affairs EMEA at Tarkett), Enrico Rima (Managing Director at Lebenskleidung), and William Neale, Circularity Expert from the European Commission.”

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