Is Berlin Sustainable? Urban Planning Tour in Kreuzberg

7. November 2019 um 19:00 – 22:00
LPG BioMarkt Mehringdamm
Mehringdamm 20-30, 10961 Berlin

„Can Berlin be used as model for a sustainable city? How do the relevant stakeholders interact and make decisions about the future of Berlin? We will take a look into a case study in Kreuzberg to understand how a city like Berlin develops.

Dragoner-Areal is an urban development project located in Kreuzberg. The area has a deep history: from military barracks on the periphery of 1850s Berlin to a modern-day anonymity, populated by small businesses. Due to its potential, different stakeholders now have an eye on the area again.

We’ll meet at the crossing of Mehringdamm and Obentrautstraße, close to the LPG supermarket at 19:00 and take a 30 minute tour of the Dragoner-Areal, and then finish up at Impact Hub Berlin for further discussion.

Christian Hajer [] is a town planner and landscaper. Living in Berlin since 1984, he has an extensive knowledge of how the city has evolved. Since 1995, he has been involved in building and planning processes in Berlin as part of an information service for international delegations.

Frederik Sommer [Stadt SIKo] works as head of unit for social infrastructure and urban development funding (Städtebauförderung) for Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg in the Urban Development Office as a part of the Department of Construction, Planning and Facility Management.

There is limited attendance for this event, so RSVP via if you want to be on the guest list.

This event is brought to you by the Sustainability Discourse Tribe at Impact Hub Berlin – where change goes to work.“

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