Fashion for Water – Chapter Bangladesh

22. März 2019 um 18:00 – 22:00
Eichenstraße 4, 12435 Berlin

“For the second time, on World Water Day 2019, we will bring together experts in textile production, fashion design, water resource management and circular economy with activists and consumers.

“We believe that water is a fundamental human right.
The fashion industry needs a paradigm shift.” – Drip by Drip

By 2030, the global demand for clothing will increase by 60%. The production and consumption of clothing thus gain in importance even though trends such as capsule wardrobe are headlining more and more. While the global West seeks minimalism and less consumption, the global South is relishing the slowly increasing prosperity. One thing is for sure: Fashion in its importance will not decline, quite the reverse. As well as the responsibility that goes along with it for the environment.

We want to understand natural water cycles, the relationship between our consumption here and an increasing lack of fresh water in other countries, as well as innovations that might change the game drastically. Join us for a night of talks and deeds and let’s celebrate the country of Bangladesh, the world’s second largest producer of textiles.”

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