Facilitation Skills Workshop

28. Januar 2016 ganztägig
to be announced on website

Organisator: traincrowd

Facilitation Skills Workshop

As a facilitator, you need to call on a wide range of skills and tools, from problem solving and decision making, to team management and communications. Facilitation techniques are tools to help you structure discussions, team meetings and workshops more efficiently, achieve good results within a short time period and encourage active participation by everyone present.

This seminar provides an overview of facilitation methods in their use. You will
– Learn and practice to use facilitation “tools” (pinboard, flip chart, cards, color, etc.)
– Become familiar with the role of a facilitator
– Learn and practice question techniques for facilitators
– Get to know different facilitation phases & suitable tools
– Gain more confidence in leading difficult discussions
– Be aware on how to facilitate in a virtual setting
Methodology and Didactics

– Presentation by the trainer
– Small group work and buzz groups
– Practice: case studies/ role play
– Interactive discussions – every participant gets the chance to facilitate
Target Group

Facilitators, team and project leaders who want to achieve results in a structured and conducive way

Location: Berlin, exact space is still to be determined.

Cost: 350 Euros

We look forward to seeing you there!

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