Business and Human Rights Workshop – Putting the Ruggie-Framework and the Guiding Principles into Practice
econsense and CSR Europe are organising a Business and Human Rights Workshop – Putting the Ruggie-Framework and the Guiding Principles into Practice on April 15, 2013 in Berlin. By directly addressing existing international standards, political guidelines, and regulations, the adoption of the “Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights“ formulated by Prof. John Ruggie, marks the first time that a framework for business and human rights has been successfully tabled.
This move established the UN Guiding Principles as the global standard of practice and spells out the expectations on how companies can prevent negative impacts on human rights and provide access to remedy for victims of business-related abuse. Clarity about the baseline expectations of companies is a first step towards effective handling the guidelines.
It is now time to put the Ruggie-Framework and the Guiding Principles into practice. Participate in the workshop organized by econsense and CSR Europe to:
Learn from key experts what the Ruggie Framework and the UN Guiding Principles mean in practical terms for companies and gain a critical understanding of challenges and opportunities
Share own perspectives and good practice examples and gather cross-sector company insights on what other companies are already doing to implement the Guiding Principles into their business operation.
The workshop will address the following topics:
Internal Human Rights Training – Internal Human Rights Training is a critical component of a company’s overall approach to human rights. Learn how to embed corporate responsibility to respect human rights in your company through an effective human rights training for your employees .
Human Rights Due Diligence – In order to identify, prevent, mitigate and account for how they address their adverse human rights impacts, companies should carry out human rights due diligence. Learn how to identify and assess impacts, integrate the findings across relevant functions and processes and act, track the effectiveness and communicate this externally.
Remediation and Operational Grievance Mechanisms – Where companies identify that they have caused or contributed to adverse impacts, they should provide for or cooperate in their remediation trough legitimate processes. Learn how to design an effective operational grievance mechanism, both for workers and community.
Human Rights in the Supply Chain – Learn more about how to address conflict minerals from conflict affected and high-risk areas in the global supply chain.
Human Rights in Contractual Relationships in the Value Chain/Business Relationships – Learn more about the reasons why companies may consider human rights impacts when engaging with other stakeholders and business partners.
Please not that due to the workshop format, participation is open to all CSR Europe members and by invitation only to other relevant companies and organizations.
For more information and to register, please contact Beate Breidbach at More information about the workshop agenda will follow in due course with the invitation.
For more information on CSR Europe’s collaborative project on Business and Human Rights, please click here.