Computational models for new patient stratification strategies
Deadline: 1st February 2022, 17:00 (Brussels time)
Seeking: Proposals catering to the following expected outcomes:
Clinical researchers use effective health data integration solutions for the classification of the clinical phenotypes.
Researchers and/or health care professionals use robust and validated data-driven computational tools to successfully stratify patients.
Researchers and/or health care professionals use robust and validated data-driven computational tools to successfully stratify patients.
Regulatory bodies approve computer-aided patient stratification strategies to enable personalised diagnosis and/or personalised therapy strategies.
Health care professionals adopt evidence-based guidelines for stratification-based patient management superior to the standard-of-care.
The proposals may include a broad range of solutions, such as computational disease models, computational systems medicine approaches, machine-learning algorithms, Virtual Physiological Human, digital twin technologies and/or their combinations, as relevant.
Budget: 60 million euros to be distributed between various projects.