Berlin’s Path to a Circular City

7. November 2019 um 19:00 – 21:00
CityLAB Berlin
Platz der Luftbrücke 4, 12101 Berlin

„This event is part of the global “Circular Cities Week” organised by Circular Economy Club (CEC), in which more than 100 cities across the globe will host multi-stakeholder events with the aim of encouraging the implementation of the circular economy (global event, as well as part of Berlin Science Week.

Circular Berlin will collaborate with the CityLAB Berlin to highlight what other cities are doing to build up their circular economies and to discuss in which sectors Berlin is best positioned to advance its own circular economy and who the city needs to engage to make this transformation possible.

– Nicole Ludwig (Member of the Berlin Parliament, Green party, Spokesperson for economy and sports) – Title TBA
– Maria Loloni (Climate-KIC) – Examples from cities in the Climate KIC Network on developing circular economy agendas
– Isabel Ordonez (Circular Berlin) – Cirkulära Göteborg, an initiative from the Municipality of Gothenburg to transform their local economy with measures on public procurement, supporting local repair and sharing initiatives.

Join us to create a circular economy roadmap for Berlin!“

More details and tickets check out the website!

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