Berlin Peace Innovation Labs

12. Dezember 2013 um 18:45 – 21:15
Reinhardtstrasse 58
10117 Berlin

The future is uncertain and the social challenges facing the world today are widespread, complex and dynamic. In a day and age where ‘dynexity’ seems to be the new world order, how can we learn to limit the spread of problems and learn to scale the solutions?
Veranstalter: Berlin Peace Innovation Lab, BMW Stiftung


1845 Doors open

1900 Welcome & Warm up

1915 Inspiration: Introduction to Scaling concept, Scaling Frames and a case study (50 Shades of Grey) by Mark Turrell

1945 Collaborative work: Groups go through exercise to develop scaling ideas for their own initiatives

20.30 Report back; share insights on their effort plus scaling overall.

20.55: Call to action: Invite the participant to join Mark´s scaling community to share case studies, etc

21.00 Beer o´clock!

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