Artificial Intelligence

14. Oktober 2019 um 19:00 – 21:30
Französische Straße 47
10117 Berlin

Europe Launch Event

Artificial Intelligence: Combating Online Sexual Abuse of Children

Monday October 14th 2019
Doors open at 6.30 p.m. | Event starts at 7.00 p.m.

Value for Good GmbH
Französische Straße 47
10117 Berlin

2019 marks the 30th anniversary of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child. With the rise of the digital age and 1 in 3 users of the internet currently under 18 (more than 1 billion people), there is a pressing need to protect children’s rights and safety online.

Over the past months, we worked with Bracket Foundation to understand the problem of online sexual abuse of children. We found that there has been an exponential growth of the issue with a 6,000 fold increase in reported cases between 1998 and 2018 and that the forms of abuse are getting worse (e.g. online grooming of children, live-streamed sexual abuse of minors). At the same time, perpetrators are harder to find due to encryption and the darknet and law enforcement is struggling to catch up with mountains of data to process. Technological solutions – particularly those powered by advanced data analytics and AI – are necessary to overcome key challenges in preventing, detecting and prosecuting online child sexual abuse.

In our latest study, “Artificial Intelligence: Combating Online Sexual Abuse of Children“, we provide the first ever comprehensive mapping of the current state of play of technology solutions using data analytics and AI for protecting children online. We also call on all relevant stakeholders to take action. The study was launched by Bracket Foundation on September 24th at the Concordia Summit alongside the United Nations General Assembly in New York.

You are warmly invited to the study’s Europe launch event which will take place in Berlin on Monday, October 14th at 7:00 pm. To attend, kindly register below. Further details will follow in the coming weeks.

We also invite you to spread the word about this neglected problem and the role AI can play in addressing it by sharing this study with your network. The more people are aware, the higher the likelihood that action will be taken to make the internet safer for children.

Thank you for your interest. We look forward to seeing you on October 14th.

The study:

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