The Swiss Master Class in Corporate Social Responsibility
Beau-Rivage Palace, 12 December 2008
Though the Universal Dec laration of Human Rights will be celebrating its 60th anniversary in 2008, there is still a lack of application and respect of human rights worldwide. As a s ide effect of globally expanding markets , more and more corporations are becoming entangled in direct and indirect violations of human rights . On the other hand, due to civil society pressure and/or organizational values , some corporations are becoming engaged in multistakeholder processes to define standards and manage ethical issues in their operations . This engagement is in line with the Dec laration’s call that every individual and every organ of soc iety should engage in the protection of human rights .
The Swiss Master Class in CSR 2008 focuses on the human rights challenge of global business operations. The goal will be to assess human rights in the world today, and discuss possible ways for businesses , states, NGOs and international organizations to understand the issues at stake and to elaborate guidelines and principles that will help to promote human rights in the
6 world leading experts on human rights…
…discuss with 6 promising young scholars in front of top managers from global companies and NGOs!
Next generation of scholars wanted!
Are you a doctoral student in one of the relevant fields of research such as management, international law, political theory, economics , geography, soc iology or political philosophy? If you want to make a contribution to the field of Business & Human Rights , this is the perfect opportunity! We are looking for new ins ights and provocative ideas beyond the mainstream and across disciplines that might advance the theory and practice of business regarding human rights .
We invite you to redefine the debate!