1st PEF World Summit

8. Oktober 2013 – 9. Oktober 2013 ganztägig
Torstrasse 154
10115 Berlin


When Sylvain Chevassus of the French Environmental Ministry suggested at the 6th PCF World Summit almost two years ago to rename the PCF World Forum into PEF World Forum, we were not aware that he revealed the future direction to us.

Since then, many have asked to acknowledge the need to look more closely at all environmental impacts beyond climate change and to move ahead from Product Carbon Footprinting (PCF) to Product Environmental Footprinting (PEF).

Obviously, for the practical management in companies and for communication approaches to consumers, more integrated approaches are required. To better host this important dialogue we have decided to follow Sylvain’s revelation: PCF World Forum is now PEF World Forum, as announced at the PEF Policy Conference in April.

On 8-9 October 2013 we will host the 1st PEF World Summit (formerly announced as 9th PCF World Summit) in Berlin. At its heart: the EU Environmental Footprinting initiative, its selected pilot projects, its implications for businesses and updates from a range of international carbon footprinting and product sustainability initiatives.

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