Starting on Scope 3 Emissions Reduction; A Beginner’s Guide

Your organization’s success in sustainable procurement hinges on your ability to work with suppliers to actively reduce emissions and climate risks. You need to understand management practices and reporting of GHGs from your key suppliers.
Don’t boil the ocean. Take a phased approach to work with your suppliers to reduce their GHG emissions. Learn how using data and insights to prioritize where to start is key to how you can engage your suppliers.

Oliver Hurrey, Chair, Scope 3 Peer Group & members of the Scope 3 Peer Group
Will Norton, Assistant Product Manager and Merchandiser, Northridge Homes
Rikke Gade Christensen, Sustainable Supply Chain Program Manager, FLSmidth
Lukas Petersik, Supply Chain Sustainability, Audi
Brian Peters, Senior Director – Global Procurement Services & Delivery, Gilead Sciences“

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