5# Climate Talk: Economy


“Berlin is Germany’s No. 1 start-up city. How can greenpreneurs, socialpreneurs and other socially and ecologically responsible actors have a lasting impact on the economic nature of the city in a sustainable way? Is our current economic model suitable for that? Does it need some “green” adjustments or do we need a systematical change towards an economy of the “commons”, with nothing belonging to anyone and everything belonging to everyone? Explore and discuss these questions with us in this Climate Talk when we look at how to make the economic nature of our urban space climate-friendly and socially maintainable for the future.”

Speaker: Prof. Dr. Sophie Olteanu (Green start-up monitor, Beuth University of Applied Sciences Berlin); N.N.

From March to May 2021, our Young Climate Campus Berlin will offer many opportunities for you to connect, exchange, learn and develop ideas in a series of digital events focusing on the fields of action of the BEK 2030. The Young Climate Campus Berlin forms the learning roadmap to the conference. Don’t miss this chance to gain essential knowledge and skills and get political decision-makers to take real action on climate change in Berlin and beyond!
Digital Climate Talks

The Climate Talks will provide you with profound knowledge, as well as open and controversial discussion points and the chance to ask your own questions. They all focus on a specific field of action of the BEK 2030. Save the Dates and make sure to be there!”

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