SPP Scope 3 Chapter Meeting – Understanding Scope 3 Emission Factors


„Calculating scope 3 emissions in service dominated industries or categories can be a challenge, with LCAs, EPDs, and emissions factors all focused primarily on products. Join CBRE’s Robin Burton, Director – Global ESG Procurement, as he discusses how CBRE spent a year to understand and test emissions factors in the services industry, how they can provide insight over scope 3 emissions by category, country, or source, and how small changes in your methodology can create big changes in your overall calculations.

This is a meeting of the Scope 3 Chapter of the Sustainable Procurement Pledge.

The Sustainable Procurement Pledge (SPP) is a community of those committed to embedding sustainability into their procurement practices – and sharing the knowledge and tools of how to do so.

Please feel free to invite and share the registration link (NOT your personal link) with your peers and colleagues“


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