Workshop: Reinventing Education in the Digital Era
June 27th – June 30th
Berlin, Germany
Workshop: Reinventing Education in the Digital Era
The Workshop “Reinventing Education in the Digital Era” held by Hochschulforum Digitalisierung (HFD) is a pre-event workshop one day prior to the Global Learning Council Summit.
The aim of this workshop is to bring together a selected group of young people from the age of 18 to 25 from different parts of Germany and Europe who will work together to investigate the impact of digitalisation on education. During the workshop, they will develop concrete ideas how they envision the future of learning. We aim to create concrete results for ideas and approaches that will be presented at the main Global Learning Council Summit.
The workshop will conducted by the team of N3XTCODER.
As an independent national platform, Hochschulforum Digitalisierung (HFD) provides a framework for discussing the wide-ranging impact of digitalisation on higher education institutions, and especially on higher education teaching. HFD supports HEIs in making digitalisation an integral part of their institutional strategy and in incorporating it in their teaching activities. Together, HFD and HEIs develop forward-looking scenarios for higher education institutions in the digital world. Based on this collaboration, Hochschulforum issues recommendations to decision-makers in German higher education policy.