Berlin Peace Innovation Lab: Data Visualization for Non-Profits, May 14th

14. Mai 2014 um 18:30 – 21:30
to be announced

Berlin Peace Innovation Lab: Data Visualization for Non-Profits, May 14th

Berlin Peace Innovation Lab, as part of the Stanford Peace Innovation Lab global network, focuses on how technology is facilitating emerging and measurable social changes toward global peace. The Berlin Peace Innovation Lab provides design frameworks, principles and methodologies for interventions that will increase positive engagement at scale.

This month it’s all about Data Visualization. In the non-profit world and civil sector resources can be scarce, but there’s never a shortage of data. Nonprofits track finances, services, outcomes and external data about their issue areas. Embedded in all that data are stories waiting to be told. Stories that can drive political change and inspire higher efficiency.

The world’s best news organizations tell data stories digitally with rich visuals and interactives that make complex data accessible to broad audiences. Imagine if non-profits applied the same principles and technologies to data they already track. It is not a future ambition, the tools are already here!

18.30 Doors open

19.00 Welcome & Energizer

19.15 Presentation: CEO and co-founder of Vizzuality and CartoDB

19.45 Collaborative work: How can my organization apply and benefit from data visualization and data driven story-telling?

20.30 Collective: Share insights

21.00 Beer o´clock!

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