10115 Berlin
7th International Conference on Corporate Sustainability and Responsibility
– CSR in an Age of Digitization –
Conference Theme:
CSR in an Age of Digitization
Program Highlights
Plenary Sessions: Panel Discussion with Keynote Speakers* on
Sustainability and Digitization
Keynote Speakers
Georg Kell (Vice Chairman of Arabesque Partners and former founding Executive Director of the United Nations Global Compact)
David Kiron (MIT and Executive Editor of MIT Sloan Management Review’s Big Ideas Initiatives)
Timotheus Höttges (CEO Deutsche Telekom AG)
Digital Accountability
Keynote Speaker:
Robert Eccles (Harvard Business School)
ICT Solutions for the 21st Century Challenges
Keynote Speaker:
Luis Neves (Chairman of the Global e-Sustainability Initiative (GeSI), and Climate Change and Sustainability Officer, Executive Vice President at the Deutsche Telekom Group)
Aligning the Financial System for Sustainable Development
Keynote Speaker:
Simon Zadek (Co-Director of the UNEP Inquiry into the Design of a Sustainable Financial System)
Innovative Philanthropy and Impact Investing
Keynote Speaker:
Lisa Hehenberger(Director, Research & Policy, European Venture Philanthropy Association, EVPA)
Innovations on Sustainable Development
Keynote Speaker:
Richard Welford (Founder and Chairman of CSR Asia)
Circular Economy
Keynote Speaker:
Peter Lacy (Global Managing Director – Strategy – Sustainability Services – Accenture)
(* Work in Progress)
and more …