
Contests and New Media Advance Sustainability Initiatives

The use of contests is on the rise as more organizations promote awareness of their sustainability initiatives.  Contests are a great way to engage people in a participatory manner to learn more about a subject, while also promoting the organization.

At the same time, the explosion of online tools over the last few years has vastly expanded audience reach for a fraction of the cost – not only for media like text and graphics, but for audio (e.g., podcasts) and video (e.g., YouTube) as well. Organizations are increasingly using these various media channels to raise awareness and increase participation in their contests.

For example, as part of its rebranding effort, SDialogue (formerly SRB Marketing) is currently running its “S Contest,” and using audio and video to promote the contest to other organizations with a sustainability story to tell.  It’s also giving participants multimedia options for entering – participants can enter the contest with a short written argument for why they should be chosen at the firm’s website or Facebook page, or can add or substitute a video at it’s YouTube page.  The winner gets $10,000 worth of sustainability strategy and communications services.

Another contest, run by the Boston College Center for Corporate Citizenship, is the annual International Corporate Citizenship Film Festival, first held earlier this spring.  Member companies submitted videos detailing the impact they’re having through their corporate social responsibility programs. About 15,000 votes were cast on the Center’s web site and 30,000 video views recorded. The first place award went to FedEx, second place went to Hitachi, and third went to PriceWaterhouseCoopers.

Other contests focused on organizational sustainability include the Social Venture Network’s (SVN) Innovation Awards, and Green America’s People’s Choice Award.

About SDialogue: SDialogue, formerly SRB Marketing, is an award-winning, full-service sustainability strategy & communications firm. Founded in 2003, well before the recent green marketing craze brought everyone on the bandwagon, SDialogue has helped clients that have included Ben & Jerry’s, National Geographic, Working Assets and Yale University, among dozens of others.


Perry Goldschein
SDialogue, LLC
866-210-1183, x701



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