
Government’s ‚green guru‘ suggests 19 ways to save the planet

The UK’s Sustainable Development Commission, headed by Sir Jonathan Porritt, said the Government has failed to meet a range of targets on green living, the Telegraph reports. The Commission has 19 "Breakthrough Ideas for the 21st Century" for local authorities, government and individuals. Suggestions include introducing "personal wellbeing education" or PWE into the school curriculum as well as more outdoor education, converting public flower beds to vegetable patches and handing out free bikes to encourage more people to take up cycling for journeys of fives miles or less… read more

The UK’s Sustainable Development Commission, headed by Sir Jonathan Porritt, said the Government has failed to meet a range of targets on green living, the Telegraph reports. The Commission has 19 "Breakthrough Ideas for the 21st Century" for local authorities, government and individuals. Suggestions include introducing "personal wellbeing education" or PWE into the school curriculum as well as more outdoor education, converting public flower beds to vegetable patches and handing out free bikes to encourage more people to take up cycling for journeys of fives miles or less… read more

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