
The future of green

Ever wondered what the future of green looks like? Insider Trends has, and its set up an event to find out the answer. It’s called ‚Interesting Things For Interesting People: The Future of Green‘, and it’ll be a fast, furious ‘speed presentation’ night.

9 green leaders will present their view on the future of their industry in no more than 8 minutes. To keep things highly visual, no more than 5 words per slide are allowed. This means that 80% of the ideas in a normal presentation will be communicated in 20% of the time. To those in the know, it’s quite a star-studded occasion:

Green Tomato Cars will give their view on the future of sustainable transport,
Ed Gillespie from Futerra will speak about ethical communication and consumer attitudes.
Terra Plana will comment on how its ethical footwear will evolve.
Sam Kimmins, Sustainability Adviser at Forum for the Future, will give his take on the future of sustainable construction.

Other presentations will be from:
Germination, a cutting-edge event company furthering social progress
Project Dirt, an innovative web community
The Hub, a shared workspace concept for social entrepreneurs
Sublime, the sustainable lifestyle magazine

Where and when
Venue: St Giles Cripplegate Church in Barbican, EC2
Date: Tuesday 27th October
Start time: 6.30pm for a 7pm start (drinks will be available – you’re encouraged to bring your own cup for extra green points!)

You can buy your ticket here:
To find out more, click on

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