The recent issues of the Journal of Business Ethics (volume 83, number 1-3) contain:
Ripped from the Headlines: What can the Popular Press Teach us about Software Piracy?, by Zamoon, S. and Curley, S. , in: Journal of Business Ethics, volume 83, number 3, pages 515-533, 2008.
Gender and Export Behaviour: Evidence from Women-Owned Enterprises, by Welch, C. , Welch, D. and Hewerdine, L. , in: Journal of Business Ethics, volume 83, number 1, pages 113-126, 2008.
Corporate Social Responsibility and Firm Size, by Udayasankar, K. , in: Journal of Business Ethics, volume 83, number 2, pages 167-175, 2008.
Female Presence on Corporate Boards: A Multi-Country Study of Environmental Context, by Terjesen, S. and Singh, V., in: Journal of Business Ethics, volume 83, number 1, pages 55-63, 2008.
The Business Ethics of Jamsetji Nusserwanji Tata – A Forerunner in Promoting Stakeholder Welfare, by Sivakumar, N. , in: Journal of Business Ethics, volume 83, number 2, pages 353-361, 2008.
A Value-based Framework for Understanding Managerial Tolerance of Bribery in Latin America, by Sanchez, J., Gomez, C. and Wated, G., in: Journal of Business Ethics, volume 83, number 2, pages 341-352, 2008.
Management Attempts to Avoid Accounting Disclosure Oversight: The Effects of Trust and Knowledge on Corporate Directors‘ Governance Ability, by Rose, A. and Rose, J., in: Journal of Business Ethics, volume 83, number 2, pages 193-205, 2008.
Do Employees Care About CSR Programs? A Typology of Employees According to their Attitudes, by Rodrigo, P. and Arenas, D., in: Journal of Business Ethics, volume 83, number 2, pages 265-283, 2008.
Women Workers, Industrialization, Global Supply Chains and Corporate Codes of Conduct, by Prieto-Carrón, M. , in: Journal of Business Ethics, volume 83, number 1, pages 5-17, 2008.
Images of Women in Online Advertisements of Global Products: Does Sexism Exist?, by Plakoyiannaki, E. , Mathioudaki, K. , Dimitratos, P. and Zotos, Y. , in: Journal of Business Ethics, volume 83, number 1, pages 101-112, 2008.
Loving the Distance Between Them: Thinking Beyond Howard Gardner’s „Five Minds for the Future“, by Pava, M. , in: Journal of Business Ethics, volume 83, number 2, pages 285-296, 2008.
Investment with a Conscience: Examining the Impact of Pro-Social Attitudes and Perceived Financial Performance on Socially Responsible Investment Behavior, by Nilsson, J. , number 83 01674544, 2008.
Spiraling Down into Corruption: A Dynamic Analysis of the Social Identity Processes that Cause Corruption in Organizations to Grow, by Nieuwenboer, N. A. and Kaptein, M., in: Journal of Business Ethics, volume 83, number 2, pages 133-146, 2008.
From Hippocrates to HIPPA: The Collapse of the Assumptive World, by Natale, S.M., in: Journal of Business Ethics, volume 83, number 2, pages 127-131, 2008.
Women, Management and Globalization in the Middle East, by Metcalfe, B. , in: Journal of Business Ethics, volume 83, number 1, pages 85-100, 2008.
Internet Technologies in China: Insights on the Morally Important Influence of Managers, by Martin, K. D. , in: Journal of Business Ethics, volume 83, number 3, pages 489-501, 2008.
Proximity and Rationalisation: The Limits of a Levinasian Ethics in the Context of Corporate Governance and Regulation, by Mansell, S. , in: Journal of Business Ethics, volume 83, number 3, pages 565-577, 2008.
Who are the Stakeholders Now? An Empirical Examination of the Mitchell, Agle, and Wood Theory of Stakeholder Salience, by Magness, V. , number 83 01674544, 2008.
The Development of Female Global Managers: The Role of Mentoring and Networking, by Linehan, M. and Scullion, H. , in: Journal of Business Ethics, volume 83, number 1, pages 29-40, 2008.
Sexual Issues: The Analysis of Female Role Portrayal Preferences in Taiwanese Print Ads, by Lin, C. -L. , in: Journal of Business Ethics, volume 83, number 3, pages 409-418, 2008.
Institutional Pillars and Corruption at the Societal Level, by Li, J. , Moy, J. , Lam, K.-C.J. and Chris Chu, W. L. , in: Journal of Business Ethics, volume 83, number 2, pages 327-339, 2008.
Bullying in the U.S. Workplace: Normative and Process-Oriented Ethical Approaches, by LaVan, H. and Martin, W., in: Journal of Business Ethics, volume 83, number 2, pages 147-165, 2008.
Impact of MBA Education on Students‘ Values: Two Longitudinal Studies, by Krishnan, V. , in: Journal of Business Ethics, volume 83, number 2, pages 233-246, 2008.
Employees and the Operation of Accountability, by Johansen, T. , number 83 01674544, 2008.
The Expatriate Glass Ceiling: The Second Layer of Glass, by Insch, G. , McIntyre, N. and Napier, N. , in: Journal of Business Ethics, volume 83, number 1, pages 19-28, 2008.
How Focused are the World’s Top-Rated Business Schools on Educating Women for Global Management?, by Ibeh, K. , Carter, S. , Poff, D. and Hamill, J. , in: Journal of Business Ethics, volume 83, number 1, pages 65-83, 2008.
Editorial: Perspectives on Women, Globalisation, and Global Management, by Ibeh, K. and Carter, S.M., in: Journal of Business Ethics, pages 1-3, 2008.
Ethical Management, Corporate Governance, and Abnormal Accruals, by Huang, P., Louwers, T. , Moffitt, J. and Zhang, Y., in: Journal of Business Ethics, volume 83, number 3, pages 469-487, 2008.
A Survey of Governance Disclosures Among U.S. Firms, by Holder-Webb, L. , Cohen, J., Nath, L. and Wood, D.J., number 83 01674544, 2008.
Accounting Window Dressing and Template Regulation: A Case Study of the Australian Credit Union Industry, by Hillier, D. , Hodgson, A. , Stevenson-Clarke, P. and Lhaopadchan, S. , in: Journal of Business Ethics, volume 83, number 3, pages 579-593, 2008.
‚Women Home and Away‘: Transnational Managerial Work and Gender Relations, by Hearn, J. , Jyrkinen, M. , Piekkari, R. and Oinonen, E. , in: Journal of Business Ethics, volume 83, number 1, pages 41-54, 2008.
The Effect of Ethical Orientation and Professional Commitment on Earnings Management Behavior, by Greenfield, A. , Norman, C. and Wier, B., number 83 01674544, 2008.
Perceptions of Accountants‘ Ethics: Evidence from Their Portrayal in Cinema, by Felton, S. , Dimnik, T. and Bay, D., number 83 01674544, 2008.
Is Competition Law an Impediment to CSR?, by Dubbink, W. and Putten, F. , in: Journal of Business Ethics, volume 83, number 3, pages 381-395, 2008.
Interpreting Structural Equation Modeling Results: A Reply to Martin and Cullen, by Dion, P. , in: Journal of Business Ethics, volume 83, number 3, pages 365-368, 2008.
Impact of Managerial Dependencies on Ethical Behavior, by Deshpande, S. , Joseph, J. and Prasad, R., number 83 01674544, 2008.
Manager Trustworthiness or Interactional Justice? Predicting Organizational Citizenship Behaviors, by Chiaburu, D. and Lim, A. , in: Journal of Business Ethics, volume 83, number 3, pages 453-467, 2008.
Gender Diversity in the Boardroom and Firm Financial Performance, by Campbell, K.E. and Mínguez-Vera, A. , in: Journal of Business Ethics, volume 83, number 3, pages 435-451, 2008.
Assessing Arms Makers‘ Corporate Social Responsibility, by Byrne, E.F., in: Journal of Business Ethics, volume 83, pages 363, 2008.
The Ethical Case for Affirmative Action, by Burns, P. and Schapper, J. , in: Journal of Business Ethics, volume 83, number 3, pages 369-379, 2008.
Competitive Irrationality in Transitional Economies: Are Communist Managers Less Irrational?, by Brouthers, L. , Lascu, D. -N. and Werner, S. B., in: Journal of Business Ethics, volume 83, number 3, pages 397-408, 2008.
Power, Self-regulation and the Moralization of Behavior, by Bell, C. and Hughes-Jones, J. , number 83 01674544, 2008.
Do Firms Practice What They Preach? The Relationship Between Mission Statements and Stakeholder Management, by Bartkus, B.R. and Glassman, M., in: Journal of Business Ethics, volume 83, number 2, pages 207-216, 2008.
Institutional Impact on Work-related Values in Chinese Organizations, by Alas, R. and Wei, S. , in: Journal of Business Ethics, volume 83, number 2, pages 297-306, 2008.
Further information about this issue, including abstracts are available at