
New issues of Journal of Business Ethics (volume 82, number 2-4)

The recent issues of the Journal of Business Ethics (volume 82, number 2-4) contain:

Cross-cultural Comparisons of Managerial Perceptions on Profit, by Yong, A. , in: Journal of Business Ethics, volume 82, number 4, pages 775-791, 2008.

Corporate Values, Codes of Ethics, and Firm Performance: A Look at the Canadian Context, by Donker, H. , Poff, D.C. and Zahir, S. , in: Journal of Business Ethics, volume 82, number 3, pages 527-537, 2008.

Corporate Social Responsibility of the Most Highly Reputed European and North American Firms, by Sotorrío, L. and Sanchez, J., in: Journal of Business Ethics, volume 82, number 2, pages 379-390, 2008.

Contrasting the Behavioural Business Ethics Approach and the Institutional Economic Approach to Business Ethics: Insights From the Study of Quaker Employers, by Wagner-Tsukamoto, S., in: Journal of Business Ethics, volume 82, number 4, pages 835-850, 2008.

Consumer Perceptions of Business Ethical Behavior in Former Eastern Block Countries, by Tsalikis, J. and Seaton, B., in: Journal of Business Ethics, volume 82, number 4, pages 919-928, 2008.

Complementary Resources and Capabilities for an Ethical and Environmental Management: A Qual/Quan Study, by López-Gamero, M. , Claver-Cortés, E. and Molina-Azorìn, J. , in: Journal of Business Ethics, volume 82, number 3, pages 701-732, 2008.

Codes, Ethics and Cross-Cultural Differences: Stories from the Implementation of a Corporate Code of Ethics in a MNC Subsidiary, by Helin, S. and Sandström, J. , in: Journal of Business Ethics, volume 82, number 2, pages 281-291, 2008.

Call for Papers, by Seitanidi, M. and Lindgreen, A., in: Journal of Business Ethics, volume 82, number 3, pages 525-526, 2008.

An Exploratory Comparison of Ethical Perceptions of Mexican and U.S. Marketers, by Marta, J. , Heiss, C. and Lurgio, S. , number 82 01674544, 2008.

An Exploration of Ethical Decision-making Processes in the United States and Egypt, by Beekun, R.I., Hamdy, R. , Westerman, J. and HassabElnaby, H. , number 82 01674544, 2008.

An Ethical Framework for the Marketing of Corporate Social Responsibility, by Ven, B. , in: Journal of Business Ethics, volume 82, number 2, pages 339-352, 2008.

An Empirical Investigation of the Ethical Perceptions of Future Managers with a Special Emphasis on Gender – Turkish Case, by Atakan, M. , Burnaz, S. and Topcu, Y. , number 82 01674544, 2008.

A Virtue-Ethics Analysis of Supply Chain Collaboration, by Drake, M. and Schlachter, J. , in: Journal of Business Ethics, volume 82, number 4, pages 851-864, 2008.

A Survey of Managers‘ Perceptions of Corporate Ethics and Social Responsibility and Actions that may Affect Companies‘ Success, by Cacioppe, R. , Forster, N. and Fox, M.W., number 82 01674544, 2008.

A History of Scandinavian Socially Responsible Investing, by Bengtsson, E. , number 82 01674544, 2008.

On a Recent Naturalism Debate in Business Ethics – from a Philosophy Point of View, by Cheung, K. , in: Journal of Business Ethics, volume 82, number 4, pages 889-898, 2008.

Multinational Corporations and Local Communities: A Critical Analysis of Conflict, by Calvano, L. , in: Journal of Business Ethics, volume 82, number 4, pages 793-805, 2008.

Introducing Practical Wisdom in Business Schools, by Roca, E. , in: Journal of Business Ethics, volume 82, number 3, pages 607-620, 2008.

Influential Factors of the Social Responsibility of Newspaper Corporations in South Korea, by Han, E. -K. , Lee, D. -H. and Khang, H. , in: Journal of Business Ethics, volume 82, number 3, pages 667-680, 2008.

Impostors Masquerading as Leaders: Can the Contagion be Contained?, by Singh, J. , in: Journal of Business Ethics, volume 82, number 3, pages 733-745, 2008.

Implementing Responsible Business Behavior from a Strategic Management Perspective: Developing a Framework for Austrian SMEs, by Avram, D. and Kühne, S. , in: Journal of Business Ethics, volume 82, number 2, pages 463-475, 2008.

How Can a Ratings-based Method for Assessing Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Provide an Incentive to Firms Excluded from Socially Responsible Investment Indices to Invest in CSR?, by Adam, A. and Shavit, T. , in: Journal of Business Ethics, volume 82, number 4, pages 899-905, 2008.

Fairness and the Main Management Theories of the Twentieth Century: A Historical Review, 1900-1965, by Buren, H. , in: Journal of Business Ethics, volume 82, number 3, pages 633-644, 2008.

Environmental Respect: Ethics or Simply Business? A Study in the Small and Medium Enterprise (SME) Context, by Cambra-Fierro, J. , Hart, S. and Polo-Redondo, Y. , in: Journal of Business Ethics, volume 82, number 3, pages 645-656, 2008.

Diversity Management and Demographic Differences-based Discrimination: The Case of Turkish Manufacturing Industry, by Ozgener, S. , in: Journal of Business Ethics, volume 82, number 3, pages 621-631, 2008.

Developing Organizational Trust Through Advancement of Employees‘ Work Ethic in a Post-Socialist Context, by Pucétaité, R. and Lämsä, A. -M. , in: Journal of Business Ethics, volume 82, number 2, pages 325-337, 2008.

Cultural Orientation and Attitudes Toward Different Forms of Whistleblowing: A Comparison of South Korea, Turkey, and the U.K, by Park, H., Blenkinsopp, J. , Oktem, M. and Omurgonulsen, U. , number 82 01674544, 2008.

CSR, Transparency and the Role of Intermediate Organisations, by Dubbink, W., Graafland, J.J. and Liedekerke, L. , in: Journal of Business Ethics, volume 82, number 2, pages 391-406, 2008.

CSR Information Disclosure on the Web: A Context-Based Approach Analysing the Influence of Country of Origin and Industry Sector, by Wanderley, L. , Lucian, R. , Farache, F. and Sousa Filho, J. , in: Journal of Business Ethics, volume 82, number 2, pages 369-378, 2008.

The Worth of Values – A Literature Review on the Relation Between Corporate Social and Financial Performance, by Beurden, P. and Gößling, T., in: Journal of Business Ethics, volume 82, number 2, pages 407-424, 2008.

The Relationship Between Paternalistic Leadership and Organizational Commitment: Investigating the Role of Climate Regarding Ethics, by Erben, G. and Güneser, A. B. , in: Journal of Business Ethics, volume 82, number 4, pages 955-968, 2008.

The Political Roots of Corporate Social Responsibility, by Detomasi, D., in: Journal of Business Ethics, volume 82, number 4, pages 807-819, 2008.

The Paradox of Power in CSR: A Case Study on Implementation, by Bondy, K. , in: Journal of Business Ethics, volume 82, number 2, pages 307-323, 2008.

The Influence of Ethics Instruction, Religiosity, and Intelligence on Cheating Behavior, by Bloodgood, J. , Turnley, W. and Mudrack, P.E., in: Journal of Business Ethics, volume 82, number 3, pages 557-571, 2008.

The Influence of Christian Identity on SME Owner’Managers‘ Conceptualisations of Business Practice, by Werner, A. , in: Journal of Business Ethics, volume 82, number 2, pages 449-462, 2008.

The Effect of Culture and Religiosity on Business Ethics: A Cross-cultural Comparison, by Rashid, M.Z.A. and Ibrahim, S. , in: Journal of Business Ethics, volume 82, number 4, pages 907-917, 2008.

Ten Years of Public Interest Disclosure Legislation in the UK: Are Whistleblowers Adequately Protected?, by Lewis, D., in: Journal of Business Ethics, volume 82, number 2, pages 497-507, 2008.

Systemic Leadership and the Emergence of Ethical Responsiveness, by Painter-Morland, M., in: Journal of Business Ethics, volume 82, number 2, pages 509-524, 2008.

Socially Responsible Investment in Japan: Its Mechanism and Drivers, by Sakuma, K. and Louche, C. , in: Journal of Business Ethics, volume 82, number 2, pages 425-448, 2008.

Reorienting the Business School Agenda: The Case for Relevance, Rigor, and Righteousness, by Birnik, A. and Billsberry, J. , in: Journal of Business Ethics, volume 82, number 4, pages 985-999, 2008.

Recognizing and Justifying Private Corruption, by Gopinath, C., number 82 01674544, 2008.

Professional Ethical Standards, Corporate Social Responsibility, and the Perceived Role of Ethics and Social Responsibility, by Valentine, S.R. and Fleischman, G., number 82 01674544, 2008.

Perceptions of the Ethical Climate in the Korean Tourism Industry, by Kim, N. and Miller, G. , in: Journal of Business Ethics, volume 82, number 4, pages 941-954, 2008.

Opportunities and Problems of Standardized Ethics Initiatives – a Stakeholder Theory Perspective, by Gilbert, D. and Rasche, A., in: Journal of Business Ethics, volume 82, number 3, pages 755-773, 2008.

Undivided Corporate Responsibility: Towards a Theory of Corporate Integrity, by Maak, T., in: Journal of Business Ethics, volume 82, number 2, pages 353-368, 2008.

Understanding Corruption in Organizations – Development and Empirical Assessment of an Action Model, by Rabl, T. and Kühlmann, T. , in: Journal of Business Ethics, volume 82, number 2, pages 477-495, 2008.

Two Principles of Broadcast Media Ownership for a Democratic Society, by Buckley, M.R., in: Journal of Business Ethics, volume 82, number 4, pages 821-834, 2008.

Twenty Years of European Business Ethics – Past Developments and Future Concerns, by Liedekerke, L. and Dubbink, W., in: Journal of Business Ethics, volume 82, number 2, pages 273-280, 2008.

Toward a Model of Cross-Cultural Business Ethics: The Impact of Individualism and Collectivism on the Ethical Decision-Making Process, by Husted, B. and Allen, D. , in: Journal of Business Ethics, volume 82, number 2, pages 293-305, 2008.

To Help or Not to Help? The Good Samaritan Effect and the Love of Money on Helping Behavior, by Tang, T., Sutarso, T. , Davis, G. , Dolinski, D. , Ibrahim, A. and Wagner, S. , number 82 01674544, 2008.

Further information about this issue, including abstracts are available at

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