
New Issues of Journal of Business Ethics (81/3+4)

The recent issues of Journal of Business Ethics (volume 81, number 3+4) contain:

Whistle-Blowing and Morality, by Bouville, M. , in: Journal of Business Ethics, volume 81, number 3, pages 579-585, 2008.

Vocational Ethics as a Subspecialty of Business Ethics – Structuring a Research and Teaching Field, by Brinkmann, J. and Henriksen, A. -M. , in: Journal of Business Ethics, volume 81, number 3, pages 623-634, 2008.

The Morality of Everyday Activities: Not the Right, But the Good Thing To Do, by Nyberg, D. , in: Journal of Business Ethics, volume 81, number 3, pages 587-598, 2008.

The Driver of Green Innovation and Green Image – Green Core Competence, by Chen, Y. -S. , in: Journal of Business Ethics, volume 81, number 3, pages 531-543, 2008.

Irresponsible Lending? A Case Study of a U.K. Credit Industry Reform Initiative, by Richards, M. , Palmer, P. and Bogdanova, M. , in: Journal of Business Ethics, volume 81, number 3, pages 499-512, 2008.

Impacts of Corporate Code of Conduct on Labor Standards: A Case Study of Reebok’s Athletic Footwear Supplier Factory in China, by Yu, X., in: Journal of Business Ethics, volume 81, number 3, pages 513-529, 2008.

Guide to the Ethics of Ex Parte Communications, by Wall, P. , in: Journal of Business Ethics, volume 81, number 3, pages 555-559, 2008.

Four Design Criteria for any Future Contractarian Theory of Business Ethics, by Wempe, B., in: Journal of Business Ethics, volume 81, number 3, pages 697-714, 2008.

Exploring Cognitive Moral Logics Using Grounded Theory: The Case of Software Piracy, by Bhal, K. and Leekha, N. , in: Journal of Business Ethics, volume 81, number 3, pages 635-646, 2008.

Ethical Behaviour of Tertiary Education Students in Cyprus, by Zopiatis, A. and Krambia-Kapardis, M. , in: Journal of Business Ethics, volume 81, number 3, pages 647-663, 2008.

Due Process and Standard-setting: An Analysis of Due Process in Three Canadian Accounting and Auditing Standard-setting Bodies, by Richardson, A. J., in: Journal of Business Ethics, volume 81, number 3, pages 679-696, 2008.

Does the Market Value Corporate Philanthropy? Evidence from the Response to the 2004 Tsunami Relief Effort, by Patten, D.M., number 81 01674544, 2008.

Creative Rebellion and Moral Efficiency as Elements of Managerial Ideology, by Sloane, S. , in: Journal of Business Ethics, volume 81, number 3, pages 609-622, 2008.

Corporate Legal Responsibility: A Levinasian Perspective, by Soares, C., in: Journal of Business Ethics, volume 81, number 3, pages 545-553, 2008.

Corporate Governance and Ethics: A Feminist Perspective, by Machold, S. , Ahmed, P. and Farquhar, S. , in: Journal of Business Ethics, volume 81, number 3, pages 665-678, 2008.

Being Good Citizens: Understanding a Mediating Mechanism of Organizational Commitment and Social Network Ties in OCBs, by Lin, C. -P., Hung, W. -T. and Chiu, C. -K. , in: Journal of Business Ethics, volume 81, number 3, pages 561-578, 2008.

Unenlightened Economism: The Antecedents of Bad Corporate Governance and Ethical Decline, by Huehn, M. , in: Journal of Business Ethics, volume 81, number 4, pages 823-835, 2008.

The Impact of Perceived Leader Integrity on Subordinates in a Work Team Environment, by White, D. and Lean, E. , number 81 01674544, 2008.

The Escalation of Deception in Organizations, by Fleming, P. and Zyglidopoulos, S.C., in: Journal of Business Ethics, volume 81, number 4, pages 837-850, 2008.

The Dynamics of Fair Trade as a Mixed-form Market, by Becchetti, L. and Huybrechts, B. , in: Journal of Business Ethics, volume 81, number 4, pages 733-750, 2008.

The Business of Commercial Legal Advice and the Ethical Implications for Lawyers and Their Clients, by Mescher, B. , in: Journal of Business Ethics, volume 81, number 4, pages 913-926, 2008.

Social Responsiveness, Profitability and Catastrophic Events: Evidence on the Corporate Philanthropic Response to 9/11, by Crampton, W. and Patten, D.M., number 81 01674544, 2008.

Social Desirability Response Bias, Gender, and Factors Influencing Organizational Commitment: An International Study, by Bernardi, R.A. and Guptill, S. , in: Journal of Business Ethics, volume 81, number 4, pages 797-809, 2008.

Researcher Interaction Biases and Business Ethics Research: Respondent Reactions to Researcher Characteristics, by Miyazaki, A. and Taylor, K.F., in: Journal of Business Ethics, volume 81, number 4, pages 779-795, 2008.

Pseudo-Transformational Leadership: Towards the Development and Test of a Model, by Barling, J., Christie, A. and Turner, N., number 81 01674544, 2008.

Moral Motivation Across Ethical Theories: What Can We Learn for Designing Corporate Ethics Programs?, by Colle, S. d. and Werhane, P.H., in: Journal of Business Ethics, volume 81, number 4, pages 751-764, 2008.

Ethical Decision Making and the Employed Lawyer, by Gunz, S. and Gunz, H. , number 81 01674544, 2008.

Ethical Cycles and Trends: Evidence and Implications, by Conroy, S.J. and Emerson, T. , in: Journal of Business Ethics, volume 81, number 4, pages 905-911, 2008.

Demographic Effects of Work Values and Their Management Implications, by Li, W. , Liu, X. and Wan, W. , in: Journal of Business Ethics, volume 81, number 4, pages 875-885, 2008.

Consumers‘ Willingness to Pay for Non-pirated Software, by Hsu, J. and Shiue, C. , in: Journal of Business Ethics, volume 81, number 4, pages 715-732, 2008.

Antecedents and Consequences of Perceived Importance of Ethics in Marketing Situations: A Study of Thai Businesspeople, by Singhapakdi, A., Gopinath, M. , Marta, J. and Carter, L. , number 81 01674544, 2008.

A Decade of Service-learning: A Review of the Field Ten Years after JOBE’s Seminal Special Issue, by Kenworthy-U’Ren, A. , in: Journal of Business Ethics, volume 81, number 4, pages 811-822, 2008.

Further information about this issue, including abstracts are available at

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