
New Issue of Business & Society (volume 47, number 2)

The recent issue of Business & Society (volume 47, number 2) contains:

The Political Capital of Foreign Subsidiaries An Exploratory Model, by Blumentritt, T. P. and Rehbein, K. A., in: Business & Society, volume 47, number 2, pages 242-263, 2008.

Pension Funds and Corporate Social Performance An Empirical Analysis, by Cox, P., Brammer, S. and Millington, A., in: Business & Society, volume 47, number 2, pages 213-241, 2008.

Integrating and Unifying Competing and Complementary Frameworks The Search for a Common Core in the Business and Society Field, by Schwartz, M.S. and Carroll, A.B., in: Business & Society, volume 47, number 2, pages 148-186, 2008.

Corporate “Philanthropy Strategy” and “Strategic Philanthropy” Some Insights From Voluntary Disclosures in Annual Reports, by Campbell, D. and Slack, R., in: Business & Society, volume 47, number 2, pages 187-212, 2008.

Further information about this issue, including abstracts are available at

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