
New Issues of Journal of Business Ethics (80/1)

The recent issue of Journal of Business Ethics (volume 80, number 1) contains:

Ethics in Today’s Business World: Reflections from Business Scholars, by Tenbrunsel, A.E., in: Journal of Business Ethics, volume 80, number 1, pages 1-4, 2008.

The Ethnographer’s Apprentice: Trying Consumer Culture from the Outside In, by Sherry, J. , in: Journal of Business Ethics, volume 80, number 1, pages 85-95, 2008.

Stigma and Settling Up: An Integrated Approach to the Consequences of Organizational Misconduct for Organizational Elites, by Pozner, J. -E. , in: Journal of Business Ethics, volume 80, number 1, pages 141-150, 2008.

Moral Disengagement in Processes of Organizational Corruption, by Moore, C. , in: Journal of Business Ethics, volume 80, number 1, pages 129-139, 2008.

A Framework for Ethical Conformity in Marketing, by Martin, K. and Johnson, J.L., in: Journal of Business Ethics, volume 80, number 1, pages 103-109, 2008.

Disadvantaged Consumers: An Ethical Approach to Consumption by the Poor, by Hill, R., in: Journal of Business Ethics, volume 80, number 1, pages 77-83, 2008.

Promoting Stewardship Behavior in Organizations: A Leadership Model, by Hernandez, M. , in: Journal of Business Ethics, volume 80, number 1, pages 121-128, 2008.

Mad as Hell or Scared Stiff? The Effects of Value Conflict and Emotions on Potential Whistle-Blowers, by Henik, E. , in: Journal of Business Ethics, volume 80, number 1, pages 111-119, 2008.

The Manipulation of Voting Systems, by Hartvigsen, D. , in: Journal of Business Ethics, volume 80, number 1, pages 13-21, 2008.

Ethical Issues in Financial Reporting: Is Intentional Structuring of Lease Contracts to Avoid Capitalization Unethical?, by Frecka, T. , in: Journal of Business Ethics, volume 80, number 1, pages 45-59, 2008.

‚She did what? There is no way I would do that!‘ The Potential Interpersonal Harm Caused by Mispredicting One’s Behavior, by Diekmann, K. , in: Journal of Business Ethics, volume 80, number 1, pages 5-11, 2008.

Does Payment For Order Flow To Your Broker Help Or Hurt You?, by Battalio, R. and Loughran, T., in: Journal of Business Ethics, volume 80, number 1, pages 37-44, 2008.

Ethics and Lobbying: The Case of Real Estate Brokerage, by Barker, D., in: Journal of Business Ethics, volume 80, number 1, pages 23-35, 2008.

Some Dimensions of Trust in Business Practices: From Financial and Product Representation to Licensure and Voting, by Audi, R. , in: Journal of Business Ethics, volume 80, number 1, pages 97-102, 2008.

Impact of Post-restatement Actions Taken by a Firm on Non-professional Investors‘ Credibility Perceptions, by Almer, E. , Gramling, A. and Kaplan, S.E., in: Journal of Business Ethics, volume 80, number 1, pages 61-76, 2008.

Further information about this issue, including abstracts are available at

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