16-18 November 2008
Sponsored by:
The Qatar Foundation for Education, Science and Community Development and
The Carnegie Bosch Institute for Applied Studies in International Management, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh
Hosted by:
Carnegie Mellon University – Qatar Campus and
The Center for International Corporate Responsibility, Tepper School of Business, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh
Call for Papers
The Qatar Foundation and the Carnegie Bosch Institute solicit papers for a conference on International Corporate Responsibility to be held in Doha, Qatar. The conference is based on the theme that responsible business decisions today must take a global view that is sensitive to political, economic and cultural differences. The number of participants is kept small, to encourage lively discussion. Accepted papers are published in a proceedings book and presented (in summary form) by the authors in plenary sessions. A diversity of views and countries of origin is sought in the selection process.
Possible topics include, but are not limited to:
Three-page extended abstracts in English may be submitted by 15 June 2008. Abstracts should be submitted electronically if possible and otherwise in hard copy. Notification of acceptance will be made by 15 July 2008, and completed papers in English are due by 1 November 2008. Each invited participate will receive an allowance to cover expenses, plus waiver of the registration fee.
Colleagues who do not wish to give a talk are also invited to attend. A registration fee will be assessed to cover conference expenses. Details may be found at the web site below.
John Hooker, Jerome T. Holleran Professor of Business Ethics and Social Responsibility, Tepper School of Business, Carnegie Mellon University john@hooker.tepper.cmu.edu
Peter Madsen, Distinguished Service Professor for Ethics and Social Responsibility, Carnegie Mellon University pm2n@andrew.cmu.edu
Mohamed Dobashi, Associate Dean and Chief Operating Officer, Carnegie Mellon University – Qatar, mohamedd@qatar.cmu.edu
Please send abstracts to:
Bianca van Zundert
Program Coordinator EECP
Carnegie Mellon University – Qatar
Conference web site: http://web.tepper.cmu.edu/icr