
New Issues of Journal of Business Ethics (79/4)

The recent issue of Journal of Business Ethics (volume 79, number 4) contains:

The Social Reality of Depression: DTC Advertising of Antidepressants and Perceptions of the Prevalence and Lifetime Risk of Depression, by Park, J. and Grow, J. , in: Journal of Business Ethics, volume 79, number 4, pages 379-393, 2008.

The Effects of Management’s Preannouncement Strategies on Investors‘ Judgments of the Trustworthiness of Management, by Cianci, A. and Kaplan, S.E., in: Journal of Business Ethics, volume 79, number 4, pages 423-444, 2008.

Stakeholder Management Capability: A Discourse‚ A Theoretical Approach, by Zakhem, A., in: Journal of Business Ethics, volume 79, number 4, pages 395-405, 2008.

Seven Pillars of Business Ethics: Toward a Comprehensive Framework, by Wines, W. A., in: Journal of Business Ethics, volume 79, number 4, pages 483-499, 2008.

Self-Efficacy as an Intrapersonal Predictor for Internal Whistleblowing: A US and Canada Examination, by MacNab, B. and Worthley, R. , in: Journal of Business Ethics, volume 79, number 4, pages 407-421, 2008.

Motivations of the Ethical Consumer, by Freestone, O. and McGoldrick, P. , number 79 01674544, 2008.

Applying Ethical Concepts to the Study of ‚Green‘ Consumer Behavior: An Analysis of Chinese Consumers‘ Intentions to Bring their Own Shopping Bags, by Chan, R. , Wong, Y.H. and Leung, T.K.P., number 79 01674544, 2008.

An Examination of Leader Portrayals in the U.S. Business Press Following the Landmark Scandals of the Early 21st Century, by Hannah, D. and Zatzick, C. , in: Journal of Business Ethics, volume 79, number 4, pages 361-377, 2008.

Further information about this issue, including abstracts are available at

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