Social Issues in Management (SIM) Division
Application (including 10-page abstract) due: May 1, 2008
Electronic copy of final dissertation due: mid-May 2008
The members of the Social Issues in Management (SIM) Division recognize recent doctoral studies work by conducting the annual Social Issues in Management Doctoral Dissertation Award competition. A plaque, along with monetary recognition, will be presented at the business meeting of the SIM Division at the Academy meetings in Anaheim in August, 2008. To be eligible for this award, a doctoral dissertation must focus on some aspect of the relationship between business and society (broadly construed). The particular discipline in which the dissertation is written is not a consideration. Criteria for selection include, but are not limited to:
Entries for the 2008 award competition must be successfully defended between March 1, 2006 and March 31, 2008. Applications for this award must be received by May 1, 2008. A completed application includes:
The abstract should not identify either the university or the author. The title page should be sent as a separate file. Finalists will be asked to send an electronic copy of the complete dissertation by mid-May 2008.
Please email applications, by May 1, to the SIM Doctoral Dissertation Award committee chair:
Jeff Frooman
University of New Brunswick, Canada
Phone: 506-452-6911