date: November 7-9, 2007
organized by: Universidade Católica Portuguesa and Carnegie Mellon University
location: Universidade Católica Portuguesa in Lisbon
Conference Keynote Speaker
W. Michael Hoffman
Hieken Professor of Business and Professional Ethics
Founding Director of the Center of Business Ethics at Bentley
Bentley College
Academic Keynote Speakers
Pradeep Khosla
Dean of the Carnegie Institute of Technology (the College of Engineering); the Philip and Marsha Dowd Professor in the College of Engineering and School of Computer Science and Founding co-Director of CyLab at Carnegie Mellon University.
Deborah G. Johnson
Anne Shirley Carter Olsson Professor of Applied Ethics, School of Engineering and Applied Sciences at the University of Virginia and President, International Society for Ethics and Information Technology (INSEIT).
Jeroen van den Hoven
Full Professor of Ethics and Technology at the Faculty of Technology, Policy and Management, Department of Philosophy, Technical University of Delft. Editor in Chief of Ethics and Information Technology (Springer) and member of The IST Advisory Group (ISTAG) of EU commissioner.
Jody Westby
Adjunct Distinguished Fellow, CyLab, Carnegie Mellon University; CEO, Global Cyber Risk and member of the bars of the District of Columbia, Colorado and Pennsylvania and chair of the American Bar Associations Privacy and Computer Crime Committee.
João César das Neves
Full Professor of Economics and Ethics, President of the Scientific Board of the School of Business and Economics of the Portuguese Catholic University.
José Manuel Moreira
Full Professor of Business Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility, University of Aveiro.
Executive Keynote Speakers
Filipe Pinhal
Vice President Millennium BCP, Portugal
João Ribeiro da Costa
Chief Executive Officer CHIRON, Portugal
Tom Dodd
Policy Advisor on Corporate Social Responsibility, Directorate-General for Enterprise and Industry, European Commission, Brussels Office
David Shulenburger
Vice President for Academic Affairs National Association of State Universities and Land-Grant Colleges (NASULGC), United States of America
Nuno Brito
Director Human Resources Coordination and Strategic Management, EDP—Energias de Portugal, Portugal
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