ADERSE (Association for the Development of Education and Research on Corporate Social Responsibility) is organizing the 5th ADERSE conference5th ADERSE conference.
The objective of this Conference is to allow researchers and practitioners alike to engage in constructive dialogue on Corporate Social Responsibility. Papers may be written and delivered in French, English or Spanish.
The Management Sciences Department (CERAG) of the University Pierre Mendès-France, Grenoble, France, is responsible for the organization of this colloquium. The conference will be held at IAE (Business Administration Institute) and at GEM (Grenoble Ecole de Management).
This conference is open to researchers of Management Sciences, Business Administration, Marketing, and Finance, and will accept the communications from researchers of similar disciplines. The nature of the subject allows us to accept, and welcome, inter and/or trans disciplinary papers.
The congress will take place on January 10 and 11, 2008 in Grenoble, France.
Papers may be written and delivered in French, English or Spanish. Among the possible themes, the following subjects may be used as guidelines for proposal submissions:
CSR: the Stakes
CSR’s Theoretical framework: Stakeholder Theory, Social Contract, Institutional Theory,
Sustainable Development, etc.
The difficulty of elaborating and implementing a corpus of ethical universal values
CSR and educational policies.
Firm accountability: a consideration of internal and external liability, and related issues.
CSR and its impact in terms of major human issues.
Communicating inside and outside the firm on CSR.
The Triple Bottom Line: a look at firms’ bill of health.
Risks assessment in CSR.
CSR, Business, and Employees
Human-centred and fair Corporate Responsibility.
Creating agency within the firm for CSR: internal corporate representation.
External influences on CSR.
CSR’s impact on society.
Firm accountability and the stakes for HR and individual players.
Potential risks and sanctions for Corporate Social Irresponsibility.
Fostering individual responsibility: assessing the ins and outs of creating, assuming, and
transferring responsibility and liability in the firm.
Transforming individuals into corporate stakeholders, incentives, methods, and hindrances.
Stakeholder accountability: new theories and potential limits.
Building CSR alongside employees.
Case studies.
Corporate Behavior and Environmental Issues
CSR and its potential impacts on the environment.
Assessing, improving, and managing the firm’s environmental impact.
What are the cultural values which may be created by the firm in its given context,
environment, location?
The firm within the ecological chain: creation or destruction of natural resources,
geographical spaces, and the notion of environmental entropy.
CSR and sustainable development: globalisation, North/South power geometry, and larger issues of international relations.
Case studies.
Corporate Economic Behavior
The measurement of employee’s performance in a CSR context.
Using the rating agencies as tools.
The trade-offs between profits and ethics.
How may profit become more consistent with society and its environment? (new technologies, standards, practices, etc.).
How may profit become more consistent with human concerns? (microcredits and small business finance, two-way knowledge transfer, more equitable wealth distribution, taking into account local cultures and practices, etc.).
Case studies.
Paper format and deadlines:
One-page abstract to be submitted no later than June 30, 2007.
For practical reasons, the papers submitted by international academics or practitioners will be accepted on the basis of a review of their abstracts rather than their full papers. Final decisions on these papers will be rendered by Review Committee no later than July 30, 2007.
Papers must be electronically submitted in publishable form in one of the three accepted languages, in a Word file, and not exceeding 15 double-spaced pages or 30,000 characters (including spaces).
All submissions to be sent to the following e-mail address: